Tuesday, December 9, 2008

From Visualizing to Actualizing

Lover, 8"x10", oil on canvas

I suppose every artist has a different method of working. I spend a lot of time thinking of paintings. So much so, that when I finally get around to painting, putting paint to canvas, the painting is already done in my mind. Right now I have about 5 different series tumbling around in my brain. It always feels good to get one out. One of the series I am working on revolves around The Actors' Gang theater. The theater is based off the style of the commedia dell'artes. I really like that they are doing something different yet very traditional there. This painting is part of a series I am doing on the commedia characters. Each character has a specific role to play and often are portrayed by the use of masks. This is one of the lovers.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Scrooge Must Die @ The Actors Gang raunchy holiday fun

The Actors' Gang in Culver City, California has gone and done it again. This time playwrite Angelia Berliner has adapted the cherished holiday favorite, Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" , and has turned it into a visually stunning, raunchy, hillarious, moving, rather offensive exploration of the original tale. Scott Harris as Scrooge is mesmerizing as he ranges from naive hardworking (uh loving?) young Scrooge to old bitter nasty foul mouthed old Scrooge. Jutin Zsebe also commands attention as Marley with stunning theatrics that remind us why live theater is so magical. Scrooge Must Die is out and out nasty Holiday fun and I highly encourage you to check it out.

"Scrooge is a nasty, bitter, selfish, racist, misanthropic pig and if there’s any lesson or moral value you think you’ll glean from this highly offensive piece of…theater, think again. Just get ready to bust a gut. And please, no kids." ~The Actors' Gang

For more info and tickets contact www.theactorsgang.com Note: there are late night shows on Friday and Saturday and Thursdays are pay what you can night for those effected by our current economy. A cultural night of theater? Uh yeah sure!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Robert ParkeHarrison: The Architect's Brother

While avoiding work at work today I came across a book of beautiful photographs, (if you can even call them that as they seem to be a creamy mixture of every art form). It is not often a book of photographs inspires me. I am so wrapped up in the daily processes of photography that I guess there isnt much mystery in it anymore. This book however is full of magical imagery. The subject matter could so easily be cheeseball but its so well done that it makes the leap to universal beauty and that is an expanse that is really hard to cover. Every image is timeless. Its as if he has captured our soul's true vision, a peak directly into our subconscious.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Blog: Now what?

Ok so I have a new blog. This will take some work so bear with me. In the mean time you can check out my websites: www.zsebe.com and www.zbimages.com